Magnifying Glass tool in SolidWorks

The Magnifying Glass is new to SolidWorks 2009 as I recall. I think it’s a tool that slipped under the radar for a lot of people, including myself. It was not until I started writing this tip that I realized I was missing out on some of its key features.
You’ve already got the Magnifying Glass at your fingertip – just press the G key! (assuming you don’t have it customized for something else)
Before you press the G key, have your mouse pointer pointing to the place you want to magnify so that you don’t have to drag the magnifying glass to it.
Scroll the mouse wheel to change the magnification level inside the glass – while the model remains stationary.
If you drag your pointer inside of this magnifying glass, when it reaches the edge of the round glass, you will then be dragging the glass with you. It might feel more natural though, to hold down the Ctrl key and press the middle mouse button as you drag / pan the magnifying glass around your model.
To close the command, either click (without holding down the Ctrl key) or press G again or Esc.