Knowledge Base

LogoPress has added an extremely helpful warning regarding Splines, Ellipses & Parabolas (AKA nasties). This new warning is displayed when validating the property manager of the Annex part if it finds any nasties in the Blank section sketch. (When creating the Annex part, LogoPress automatically ...
(3/31/2013 – The post below was written in 2010 and since that time LogoPress has put in place something to automatically warn the user about splines, ellipses and parabolas if he or she forgets to do what is recommended in the post below. See related post dated 3/31/2013 named “LogoPress ...
This is, without question, the most important post in our knowledgebase. Changing a strip layout and even a complete die design is a very easy process with LogoPress if the correct steps are followed. In order for it to be an easy, automated and painless process it is important that you make these...