Just what does that weird word “NumberNomenc” mean??

If I talked about a SolidWorks Custom Property called “CompanyName” or “Weight” or “PartNo” you wouldn’t have to think very long or hard as to what the evaluated values of these custom properties would end up being since they are quite descriptive.
As said in previous posts, “NumberNomenc” is simply the name of a Custom Property that the LogoPress Bill of Materials (BOM) module assigns, uses and automatically manages ”behind the scenes” so to speak, for the purpose of sorting balloons in an orderly fashion.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines the word “Nomenclature” as “1. A system of names used in art or science” and “2. The procedure of assigning names to the …”
So, by adding the word Number before Nomenclature, and then shortening it a bit, we get the name NumberNomenc which means “A systematic method of assigning numbers.